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New Evidence Index Page + Evidence Detail Page Improvements

Trustero now provides a new Evidence Index page to see all evidence in one place. Previously evidence was only shown on control pages. This was good most of the time, since evidence directly supports controls, but had the disadvantage of not providing an evidence-first way to look through everything that was collected, sort it, filter it, etc. 

This page also allows adding new evidence that is not yet associated with a control. This can be helpful as you’re getting started and aren’t sure yet which controls should be associated with evidence, or if you want to make the association at a later time. 

This new page works in conjunction with the evidence detail page we released in October. 


New Evidence Index Page


Evidence Index Page Features

  1. View all evidence in one place
  2. Ability to have evidence in the account that is not associated with control(s)
  3. Filter evidence by:
    1. Source
    2. File type
    3. Date range
    4. Linked control(s)
    5. Who collected it
  4. Sort evidence by:
    1. Name
    2. Relevant date
    3. Created date
  5. Add new evidence: 
    1. Drag-n-drop
    2. Upload files
  6. Remove evidence
  7. Change relevant date


Filter Examples


Filtering by source


Filtering by file type


Filtering by which control(s) the evidence is linked to

To try out the new evidence index page, go to the app and navigate to content > evidence. 


Evidence Detail Page Improvements

The evidence detail page also has a couple of improvements:

  1. Ability to link evidence to control(s) from the control detail page
  2. Ability to link evidence to document request(s) from the control detail page while within an audit


Evidence detail page - linked controls tab


Evidence detail page - document requests tab


To see the new linked controls and requests , go to the app and navigate to Content > Evidence, then pick any piece of evidence. Click on the tab you’d like to see.